L13 8 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

L13 8 is a postcode sector in Liverpool, UK. Below is a complete list of L13 8 Postcodes (Active). L13 8 postcode sector comprises of 55 active postcodes. L13 8 sector has a population of 3468, and it has 1564 properties in the region.

Browse Information On L13 8 postcode sector

L13 8 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 3468
Addresses / Property Count 1564
Active Postcodes 55
Nearby Postcode Districts 65
Nearby Postcode Sectors 9

View Map Of L13 8 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 55 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
L13 8AA 53.42433700 -2.93443000 12 21 338003 392356
L13 8AD 53.42466800 -2.93323200 1 1 338083 392392
L13 8AE 53.42495900 -2.93193000 3 8 338170 392423
L13 8AG 53.42550500 -2.92983500 4 5 338310 392482
L13 8AJ 53.42474000 -2.93109800 1 6 338225 392398
L13 8AL 53.42657400 -2.93211500 52 88 338160 392603
L13 8AP 53.42722000 -2.93350000 16 35 338069 392676
L13 8AR 53.42654200 -2.93526100 25 54 337951 392602
L13 8AS 53.42601400 -2.93266100 31 69 338123 392541
L13 8AT 53.42616900 -2.93228800 34 67 338148 392558
L13 8AU 53.42573600 -2.93367800 27 68 338055 392511
L13 8AW 53.42656100 -2.93163400 42 101 338192 392601
L13 8AX 53.42568700 -2.93304500 22 39 338097 392505
L13 8AY 53.42559300 -2.93468300 53 104 337988 392496
L13 8AZ 53.42573100 -2.93428000 34 104 338015 392511
L13 8BA 53.42530000 -2.93541400 28 73 337939 392464
L13 8BB 53.42791600 -2.93648000 67 160 337872 392756
L13 8BD 53.42539200 -2.93499400 42 95 337967 392474
L13 8BG 53.42282600 -2.93337300 33 68 338071 392187
L13 8BJ 53.42572800 -2.93002100 41 95 338298 392507
L13 8BL 53.42611200 -2.93023900 37 83 338284 392550
L13 8BN 53.42662200 -2.93071700 30 73 338253 392607
L13 8BP 53.42730100 -2.93122900 30 67 338220 392683
L13 8BQ 53.42267000 -2.93374600 37 94 338046 392170
L13 8BR 53.42746200 -2.93130800 28 75 338215 392701
L13 8BS 53.42790700 -2.93191900 28 63 338175 392751
L13 8BT 53.42821000 -2.93225700 31 84 338153 392785
L13 8BU 53.42975800 -2.93194500 20 41 338176 392957
L13 8BW 53.42699800 -2.93090600 34 82 338241 392649
L13 8BX 53.42819300 -2.93332500 17 57 338082 392784
L13 8BY 53.42857000 -2.93339400 25 59 338078 392826
L13 8DA 53.42971600 -2.93156800 16 33 338201 392952
L13 8DB 53.43064700 -2.93207000 43 89 338169 393056
L13 8DD 53.43149000 -2.93354800 35 54 338072 393151
L13 8DE 53.43097700 -2.93133900 22 49 338218 393092
L13 8DF 53.43098000 -2.93088800 31 64 338248 393092
L13 8DG 53.43145400 -2.93231300 9 20 338154 393146
L13 8DH 53.43092000 -2.93165400 44 127 338197 393086
L13 8DJ 53.43201100 -2.93477900 8 20 337991 393210
L13 8DL 53.42905000 -2.93400600 43 93 338038 392880
L13 8DN 53.43033900 -2.93246900 37 81 338142 393022
L13 8DP 53.42940000 -2.93405900 42 89 338035 392919
L13 8DQ 53.43079800 -2.93556400 N/A N/A 337937 393076
L13 8DR 53.43011200 -2.93389400 30 72 338047 392998
L13 8DS 53.42941900 -2.93508300 29 75 337967 392922
L13 8DT 53.42995800 -2.93286700 20 39 338115 392980
L13 8DU 53.43042400 -2.93421700 46 75 338026 393033
L13 8DW 53.43127900 -2.93408500 48 96 338036 393128
L13 8DX 53.42975900 -2.93537600 39 59 337948 392960
L13 8DY 53.42838800 -2.93472900 13 28 337989 392807
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